Thursday, March 11, 2021

Tactical Principles for Wargaming


Most countries have lists of principles for wars.  They tend to look about the same but with different principles emphasized in different armies (  

Drawing from those lists plus other material about Clausewitz and von Moltke the elder, I came up with this list.  It might be all wrong but I am trying to use them in my battles. 

1.  Concentration of force.  The force multiplier effects allows a concentrated force to break through the enemy line.  However, only a dummy (like me) will put all his forces into one blob and ram them against the enemy.  The enemy will swing his units around and attack you from multiple directions.  See number four below.

2.  Economy of force. Do not use many resources in areas other than the main objective.  If you have to take some risk by weakening secondary areas, it is worth it.

3.  Maneuver.  Selectively apply combat to gain positional advantage.  Goad or lure the enemy into the position where you will have the advantage.  See number five below. 

4.  Encirclement. If possible, bring the enemy to battle on more than one side. See number six below.

5.  Strategic offense/tactical defense.  Lure the enemy into attacking your well-fortified position.

6.  Units travel separately.  Send your units toward the enemy separately rather than as a combined force.  Plan to swing around and hit them on more than one side. 

Do you agree?  What have I left out?

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