Friday, April 30, 2021

Goodbye, viewers!

My reason for writing this blog was to clarify my thoughts about how to solo wargame.  Along the way, the blog documents my journey.  Where I have ended up is with a combination of One Hour Wargames and The Portable Wargame; rules from the former and boards from the latter.  My figures started at 54mm but I have settled on 1/72 or 20mm.  My games are historical, science fiction or whatever seems exciting at the moment.  There is no need to commit to one era.

The blog will remain available but I do not plan to post any more.  Instead, I might write occasionally in the Lone Warrior, the SWA blog, and briefing comments on Facebook.

Hopefully the ideas published here will be useful for others who are entering solo wargaming as an absorbing hobby.

Best wishes!

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Trench Zombies: An Evade and Escape Scenario


Putting your human army into defensive positions and just fending off zombies is exciting but loses interest after doing it three times.  In this scenario, a column of British infantry seeks to cross the battle field from right to left, evading and escaping as many units as possible off the left edge.

Movement rules on a gridded board prohibit diagonal movement for any unit.  This is important. 

Zombies can only move one square, except fast zombies can move two squares.

Infantry can move two squares, except the elite survivor team, which can move three squares.

Shooting can reach across two squares into a third square. 

The battle plan for the British was to move the elite unit toward the zombies so that it could inflict some damage by shooting while regular infantry crossed the field.  Both heavy infantry units were to take up positions behind and to the left of the elite unit so that they could shoot also when the elite unit withdrew. 

This worked well enough until the heavies were blocked by some terrain features.  Caught by zombies, H2H followed.  Other units flanked the zombies, but more zombie units were drawn to the melee. 

The British army benefited by drawing some lucky cards.  This makes a difference in the outcome.

At the end of the battle, one British unit had managed to leave the field and one zombie unit was still upright.   I would call this a draw.  In my opinion, a draw indicates that the sides are fairly even and it is a good game. 

An Elite Anti-Zombie Unit


The previous posts have shown that human soldiers are at a great disadvantage against trench zombies.  This poses a problem if you want humanity to have any hope.  Therefore, in keeping with the general story line of most zombie movies, I have invented a new type of human soldier unit. This is the Survivors unit. 

When the undead rose in the trenches, most of the living soldiers in the trenches were killed.  However, a few survived.  These soldiers were unusually quick, effective in H2H combat, and skilled marksmen who instinctively aimed for the head. They are depicted in my human army as kneeling marksmen who are still covered with trench mud.  Based three to a unit.  They get D6+2 in both shooting and H2H.  They move twice as fast as regular infantry and can run in reverse with no hesitation.  If any unit can survive, it will be the Survivors Unit.

Readers (if there are any) will note that the WWI zombie wars do not require expensive figures.  Paint-conversions of Airfix 1/72 figures work just fine for me.

Monday, April 26, 2021

A WWI Zombie Battle


See the previous post for the zombie units.  The standard zombies can move one square and get plus D6+2 when hitting.  Fast zombies can advance two squares, hits=D6+2.  Shooters advance one square and get D6 when shooting but D6+2 in H2H.

Human units get D6-2 hits against any zombie unit, except heavies, which get D6.  

Hits uphill are divided by two. Flanking hits are times two. 

The solo wargame cards from One Hour Wargames were used.

The zombies are advancing across the field from left to right.  The British enter from the right.  Notice that they enjoy three fortified positions.  The bridge in the center does not allow them to be flanked when two units are on the bridge.  The green squares on either side are hills, which give the occupants the advantage for forcing the zombies to fight uphill. Also, the blue squares indicate water so the zombies can only attack from the front.

The first time I played this, the British knew nothing about zombies so they advanced toward the center.  By the time they realized they were in trouble, too many units were destroyed.  A few survivors gathered on a hill but were soon overrun.

The second time through, the British had intel about the threat they were facing.  They sent the cavalry unit forward to scout while the other units remained in their defensive positions.  The cavalry could move three squares.  At first sight of the horde, the cavalry fell back to the bridge. 

Zombie units mindlessly slogged forward through withering fire until they could grapple with the British hand to hand.  The British units in face-to-face combat held on long enough to allow another British unit to flank the attacking zombie units.  This destroyed some zombie units, but at great cost.  When the shooting zombies got within range, they fired with more effectiveness than the British.  

At the end of the second run-through, two British units survived.  However, I think I could have been more effective, so I will try again. 

The third time went badly.  The British used the same battle plan.  They quickly pulled back the scouts and waited for the zombies to get in range, then fired with great inaccuracy, rolling 2 after 2.  The zombies first took out the bridge units, then some wandered toward the eastern hill and others toward the southern hill.  The shooter zombie unit had been peppering the British on the southern hill to great effect.  

When the 15th round was over, two British units were still operating and three zombie units.  However, the British were badly wounded.  It was clear that they would not survive another round. 

Well, what do you expect to happen in a battle with zombies?

Sunday, April 25, 2021

A WWI zombie army

 During WWI, a British company stumbled into a battle against units of undead soldiers risen from the trenches and marauding the countryside.  Types are as follows.

Shambolic.  This is the most common zombie.  Based with six figures.  They move slowly and cannot shoot.

Fast.  Less common.  Their speed more than makes up for smaller numbers.  Hand to hand only. Three on a base.

Smart.  The rarest kind of zombie, they can pull the trigger.  Three on a base.

The British units may have to fight hand to hand if they cannot destroy a zombie unit by firing.

The feared shambolic zombies

The twice-feared fast zombies

The thrice-feared shooter zombies.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Rupert of the Ore Mountains vs Jan of the Free Bohemian District (Imagi-Nations)

Rupert, the younger son of the King of Saxony, was graciously granted authority over the Ore Mountains by his father.  His father gave him only one instruction: Do not get us into a war.  
Rupert was happy with his assignment, even though it was as far away from the capitol as possible.  Shortly after arriving in the Ore Mountains, he noticed a village in the foothills on the northern bank of the Ptz River. This was the village of Grnczy.  The Ptz flowed into the Moldav River.  Rupert graced the villagers with his presence and while visiting them explained that the Ptz was the natural southern boundary of Saxony.  He left a small garrison consisting of one unit of pike and shot.  Then he returned to his base.  He also placed other units in the nearby mountains just in case they were needed as reinforcements.  His forces also included two units of mounted hackbutters who were located north of the mountain range.

The villagers queried General Jan of the Free District in northern Bohemia about their new nationality.  Jan was not pleased.  A small army marched across the bridge over the Ptz.

The garrison in the village of Grnczy held out heroically until reinforcements arrived from the mountain garrisons.  The shot units fired back and forth until the Bohemians ran out of ammunition, allowing them to charge.  After the melees commenced, the reinforcing Saxon units were unable to shoot into the scrum.  Units on both sides began to collapse.  At the end, the Saxon army prevailed.  Its two surviving units were badly mauled, however.  

The campaign to free Ptz had just begun.


Sunday, April 11, 2021

Scenario 5/Bridgehead/Ancients

In this scenario,  the Britons are on the right (south) and the Romans are on the left (north).  The battle starts with one unit of Briton skirmishers north of the river.  My intention was to immediately move them into the trees where they had cover.  No other unit types can enter the trees. 

After a few rounds, the Britons had formed an elegant defensive posture.  They waited for the Romans to start the dance.  

Truth in advertising: this was my third attempt.  The Romans won the first two.  The Britons were trying to get smarter.  The defensive formation worked well for several rounds but eventually the Romans broke it apart.  At the end of 15 rounds, the Britons still had the skirmishers in the woods, so technically it was a win for them.  However, the unbloodied Roman skirmishers were on their way and it was clear who would have won if they battle had lasted longer. 


Thursday, April 8, 2021

Mars figures, Thirty Years War

 Airfix does not make sets for the Thirty Years War, so I took a chance on Mars figures.  See pictures.  The price was low and I was very pleased with the figures.  Not much flashing.  Sufficient definition for me.  Nice combination of poses.  Paint adhered easily without washing first.

I was looking for Reiters but the mounted arquebusiers seem to fit.  The infantry set only had three swordsmen, so I need to time-travel in some others, along with regular cavalry.


Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Scenario 3/Control the River/Boadica vs Romans


These armies have been improved somewhat.  The bases are now narrower than the fronts.  All the figures are from the correct era.  Airfix Ancient Britons and Romans are used.  I supplemented the Romans with Hat Gothic cavalry, who are working as mercenaries.  The other change is I bought a big bag of dice and used them to keep track of hits instead of hash marks on a note pad.  

The first picture shows the Romans lined up and ready to advance.

The Britons moved aggressively across the river.  They charged the skirmishers but the Goths flanked the Celts and the Briton's chariot flanked the Goths.  What a mess. Meanwhile, at the eastern crossing, two infantry units slug it out.  The Brit skirmishers cannot get a clear shot, nor can the Brit archers. 

After the dust settled, most of the units were scattered.  All the infantry were gone on both sides.  The British skirmishers retreated up the hill and waited for the cavalry to charge them.  However, the cavalry just waited for the Roman skirmishers to get into range and let them do all the work. This was the situation at the end of the 15th round.  Boadica lost.  Darn.  

Saturday, April 3, 2021

One Hour Wargames/Machine Age/quick army

The machine age, in OHW, ranges from 1900-1939.  The units are cavalry (dismounts and shoots), artillery, infantry and heavy infantry.  Heavy infantry have machine guns.  All combat is by shooting; no hand-to-hand.

Airfix WWI sets in HO scale are readily available.  If you choose to pit the Germans against the British, one box of each will provide both infantry and heavy infantry.  The cavalry and artillery units could be set up by purchasing horse artillery.  For example, the Royal Horse Artillery set contains usable horses and a cannon.  You could base three horses together with three infantry men standing beside them to represent the riders.  The cannon can be based with a couple of spare figures.  The artillery base should have 2"-3" fronts.  The other units have 4"-6" fronts.

Four sets make up two armies.  Watching for sales, you might be able to get them for less than $10 each.

In my inexpert opinion, you could use these armies in Europe any time after the ACW.